This page lists short details of all BSC events during 2015. All events were free to attend and organised by the convenors of each regional group. Please note that some groups had not formed or were newly emerging during this year.
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7 October 2015
The first meeting of the NI BSC Regional Group was very well attended with around 25 representatives from the various statutory agencies (PSNI, DOJ, Prison Service) students and NGOs with an interest in criminal justice.
15 October 2015
Integrating the longitudinal study of intimate partner violence perpetration within life course criminology: Dr Janna Verbruggen (Cardiff University)
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An exploration of the changes to the investigation of homicide in England and Wales from the 1980s to the present day: Sophie Pike (University of South Wales).
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The Structure of Human Trafficking: Lifting the Bonnet on a Nigerian Transnational Network: Paolo Campana (University of Cambridge).
The North East Branch held their re-launch event in June 2015, at Durham University.
An Introduction to Inside-Out: principles, pedagogy and challenges in introducing it to the UK: Dr Kate O’Brien and Dr Hannah King.
29 April 2015
Public Criminology and the 2015 General Election: Professor Richard Sparks (University of Edinburgh), Dr Emily Gray (University of Sheffield) and Dr Karen Evans (University of Liverpool).
20 May 2015
Critical Reflections on the Relationship between Punishment and Desistance: Dr Serena Wright (University of Cambridge), Marie Hutton (University of Birmingham/University of Cambridge), Dr Deborah Jump (Liverpool Hope University) and Jessica Bird (University of Edinburgh).
14 October 2015
Urban Legends: Gang Identity in the Post-Industrial City: Alistair Fraser (Glasgow University).
11 November 2015
Dangerous Politics: Risk, Political Vulnerability, and Penal Policy: Harry Annison (Southampton University).
9 December 2015
Green Criminology and Policing the Environment: Angus Nurse (Middlesex University).