The British Society of Criminology is governed by an Executive Committee, supported by eight sub-committees. The Executive Committee, which meets up to four times per year, is formed of the five officers of the Society (President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer & Company Secretary), together with the Chairs of its main sub committees and specialist networks, and the President Elect and Immediate Past President if applicable.
The BSC has a number of vacancies on the Executive Committee coming up within the next 12 months.
Executive Secretary
Vice President
To commence July 2022 with an initial three-year tenure.
The initial three-year tenure of our current President also comes to an end in July 2022. It was agreed at the AGM 2020 that a 12-month extension could be granted but expressions of interest are also invited for:
President Elect
To join the Executive Committee as of July 2022 becoming the President in July 2023.
Please note that the BSC is a company and registered charity and members of the Executive Committee are directors and trustees and registered as such on publicly-accessible databases at Companies House and the Charity Commission. All positions are unremunerated.
All nominees have to have been a member of the BSC in good standing for at least 12 months by the time of the closing date for nominations.
The roles of President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer and Company Secretary are stipulated under our Constitution to be Officers of the Society. Under paragraph 25.2 of the BSC constitution, candidates must be elected from constituencies A or B as below:
A | Academic | Persons engaged full or part-time in any institution of higher education as a teacher or researcher who can demonstrate an interest in the study of criminology or a subject which has connections with it (i.e. sociology of deviance, sociology of law, forensic psychiatry, legal psychology, applied criminal law, etc.). |
B | Research and Practice | Persons engaged full or part-time by, or in, any organisation, institution, department or foundation on research, administration or practice within the field of criminology or criminal justice or a subject closely connected to it (including researchers and practitioners in governments, local authorities, police and probation departments, etc.) |
C | Postgraduate | Persons who are studying for a higher educational qualification within the field of criminology or a closely related discipline. |
D | Other | Any person who can demonstrate an interest in the field of criminology or a related subject who does not fall into categories a, b or c above. |
In the event of more than one nomination being received, an election will be conducted among all current members of the BSC. The cut-off date for membership will be the closing date for nominations.
If you would like a copy of the role description or any further information about these role (or election procedures), please contact the BSC office on or BSC Executive Director Dr Charlotte Harris on or the current role holders, contact details for whom can be found on this webpage
EC vacancies 2021Nomination Form (opens as a Word document)
The completed form should be submitted electronically to by November 30, 2021