Honorary Members
The British Society of Criminology (BSC) has a number of Honorary Members who through their careers have demonstrated exceptional distinction and service in the field of criminology. The BSC grant the status of Honorary Membership in specific circumstances largely intended to reward persons who have an overarching role in defining and developing criminology at a national (and often international) level.
The status of Honorary Member confers lifetime membership of the Society. Honorary members can take advantage of all BSC benefits and attend conferences for a preferential fee. They don’t have to pay an annual subscription (although some choose to continue to do so).
The current list of Honorary Members includes those people who have made contributions to the BSC in particular and/or to the discipline in general. Our Honorary Members include former Presidents of the Society, holders of the Outstanding Achievement Award, and others pivotal to criminology in the UK. The Society’s executive committee determine who should receive the award.
Honorary members
Philip Bean
Anthony Bottoms
John Braithwaite
Maureen Cain
Pat Carlen
Paul Cook
Adam Crawford
John Croft
David Farrington
Nigel Fielding
Loraine Gelsthorpe
Chris Hale
Frances Heidensohn
Dick Hobbs
Peter Hodgkinson
Roger Hood
Mike Hough
Matthias Kelly
John Lea
Michael Levi
Mike Maguire
Patricia Mayhew
John Muncie
Tim Newburn
Robert Reiner
Joanna Shapland
Ursula Smartt
Nigel South
Peter Squires
Sandra Walklate