Minutes of the
Annual General Meeting
30th June 2009
Members present:
Mike Hough (President & Chair), Kate Williams (Executive Secretary), Anne Brunton (Director), Francis Pakes (Treasurer), Chris Lewis (Company Secretary), Mark Simpson (EC), Simon McKenzie (EC), Andy Millie (EC), Loraine Gelsthorpe (EC), Lystra Hagley-Dickinson (EC), Barry Goldson (EC), M McDowell, Pam Ugwudike, H J Bird, Mark Walters, Marian Duggan, Gareth Addidle, Ed Pollock, Craig Paterson, R Taylor-Swann, Chris Pac-Soo, Laura Guille, Hiroaki Ono, Zoe James, Dan Gilling, Liz Frondigoun, Helen Wells, Anthea Hucklesby, Catherine Appleton, Susie Atherton, Keith Soothill, Fiona Brookman, Harriet Pierpoint, Marilyn Gregory, Adam Crawford, Lesley Noaks, Stephen Parrott, James Sheptycki, C Reeves, J H Jones, Lol Burke, Helen Wilson, Geoffrey Hunt, Mike Levi, David Green, Hazel Croall, Helen Miles, Karen Moreton, Alice Mills, Rosie Meek, Ian Loader, Chris Greer, Dave Wall, Matthew Williams, Jasmin Tregidga, Tom Cockcroft, Jen Phipps, Elena Marellozzo, M Punch, Colin Webster, John Deering, Marisa Silvestri, Stefan Machura, Trevor Jones, Mandy Ross, Mike Shiner, Cheryl Allsop, Rod Earle, Nic Groombridge, D Drake, Brian Willan, Coretta Phillips, David Downes, Peter Williams, Jo Brayford, Dennis Eady, J Garwood, F McGrath, C Saunders, C Gormally, A Wilson, Roberto Carles, Y Jewkes, Anne Logan, Ben Bowling, Dominic Wood [+ 13 other members where signatures can’t be read].
Ordinary Business: Apologies for absence
Jo Phoenix.
Report of the Directors
The Report of the Directors was submitted to the meeting and approved.
President’s Review of 2008/9
The President commented that the Society was in good health and the wine reception marked the 50th year of the BSC. Membership had increased by 15%, and the move to Direct Debits had increased capacity. The new committee structure was also working well, and the Society’s income had risen whilst expenditure was down. Within the specialist networks, Youth Justice was particularly successful, with a statistics network also planned and a police network in the pipeline. The Society had also awarded its first prize for an Outstanding Contribution to Criminology, to Professor Stan Cohen, LSE. The President also spoke to the AGM regarding the need for criminology to become more engaged with policy, government, the ESRC, and learned societies. MH emphasised the need to consider how to compete for scarce resources, arguing that criminology needs to make genuinely deliverable promises and that ideas were needed as to how the social sciences overall can pull their weight akin to the natural sciences.
Treasurer’s Report for Jan 2008 to December 2008
Francis Pakes reported that contrary to the picture presented by some of the figures, the Society was in a good position. Although the Society has £15,000 less than last year, this is due to a financial ‘tidy-up’ process – primarily non-payers of membership fees – meaning that the ‘losses’ indicated are funds that the Society never actually had. Expenditure had decreased this year, whilst income had increased, and the Society is working more effectively, meaning that overall, the picture is better.
5. Receipt and adoption of Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for January 2008 to December 2008 and the Auditor’s report
Agreed by members present.
6. Appointment of auditors
WKH were re-appointed.
7. Elections
The Executive Secretary reported that there were no contested posts and therefore the following people were confirmed as elected:
Treasurer: Dr Francis Pakes, University of Portsmouth
Company Secretary: Mr Chris Lewis, University of Portsmouth
Chair of Regions and Specialist Networks: Dr Jo Phoenix, University of Durham.
Special Business:
8. Minutes of the last AGM, 10th July 2008
These are available online and were accepted as an accurate record.
9. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
10. Conference matters
This year’s conference in Cardiff was proceeding well, and the University of Leicester will host the BSC Conference next year.
11. BSC office and administration
The Director reported that half of the membership of the Society has now transferred to Direct Debits. Those who could not be traced would have to have their memberships cancelled.
12. Regional groups and specialist networks
No issues were raised.
13. Any other business
Tim Newburn congratulated the EC on the shift to Direct Debits and the cleaning up of the accounts.
14. Date and venue of the next AGM
University of Leicester 2010 – date, time and venue to be confirmed.