Minutes of the
Annual General Meeting
University of Leicester
13th July 2010
Mike Hough (President), Francis Pakes (Treasurer), Kate Williams (Executive Secretary), Chris Lewis (Company Secretary), Mark Simpson (Chair, Conference Committee). Loraine Gelsthorpe (Chair, Ethics Committee), Barry Goldson (Chair, Youth Criminology/Youth Justice Network), Harriet Pierpoint (University of Glamorgan), Sarah Tickle (University of Liverpool), Nic Groombridge (St Mary’s University College), Anthea Hucklesby (University of Leeds), Mwenda Kallemia (Glasgow Caledonian University), Jo Large (University of Leeds), Gareth Addidle (Glasgow Caledonian University), Keith Soothill (Lancaster University), Alex Stephens (University of Kent), Charlotte Bilby (University of Leicester), John Minkes (Swansea University), Emma Wincup (University of Leeds), Sue Atherton (De Montfort University), Robert McAuley (University of West Indies, Jackie Turton (University of Essex), Jane Healy (Middlesex University), Tim Newburn (LSE), Trevor Jones (Cardiff University), Carol Brennan (University of Buckingham), Gordon Hughes (Cardiff University), John Deering (University of Wales; Newport), Ben Bowling (King’s College, London), Robert MacDonald (Teesside University), Craig Paterson (Sheffield Hallam University), Sharon Bolton (University of Essex), Charlotte Harris (BSC)
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Allan Brimicombe, Simon Mackenzie and Hin-Yan Liu.
2. Report of the Directors
The Report of the Directors was submitted to the meeting and approved.
President’s Review of 2009/10
The President highlighted the key events and activities of the year including:
Criminology & Criminal Justice The President congratulated the Cardiff editorial team who are due to hand over to Leeds at the end of this year – the circulation of CCJ is rising and it has recently been accepted into the Thomson Reuters citation index.
Lobbying. The President spoke about the continuing partnership work of the Society in making the case for criminology and criminological research, liaising with the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, HEFCE, AcSS, ESRC, BA and HESA. The BSC was currently working with HEFCE about the arrangements for the REF.
Annual Conference. The President commented that last year’s conference in Cardiff had been very successful both intellectually and financially.
Society administration. The Society now had new staffing arrangements with two part-time staff dealing with Membership and Policy.
Prizes. The President congratulated Pat Carlen, the winner of this year’s Outstanding Achieving Award, both on the award and her acceptance speech.
4. Treasurer’s Report for Jan 2009 to December 2009
The Treasurer reported that the Society was in a very healthy position with around £20,000 more in the account than the previous year. He commented that one of the main differences was the switch over to a direct debit system for paying membership fees which had ensured a guaranteed and increased income from membership dues.
5. Receipt and adoption of Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the period January 2009 to December 2009.
Agreed by members present
6. Elections
The Executive Secretary confirmed that there were no contested posts and therefore the following people were confirmed as elected:
President Elect: Dr Loraine Gelsthorpe, University of Cambridge; Institute of Criminology
Treasurer; Dr Andy Williams, University of Portsmouth
Chair, Regional Groups and Specialist Networks Committee: Dr Harriet Pierpoint, University of Glamorgan.
7. Minutes of the last AGM, 30th June 2009
These had been sent to all members and were accepted as an accurate record.
8. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
9. Conference matters
This year’s conference in Leicester was proceeding well. The University of Northumbria will host the BSC conference next year.
10. BSC office and administration
The President told the meeting that the new arrangements involving two part-time home-based staff will be less expensive to the Society. He mentioned that the Society’s records had suffered from numerous moves over the years and that a competent filer was needed to help sort them.
11. Regional groups and specialist networks
The Regional Groups and Specialist Networks Chair reported that guidance had been compiled to help regional groups and specialist networks. Activity should also be encouraged by the introduction of a budget for each group. The Crime and Justice Statistics Network and the Youth Criminology/Youth Justice Network were both operating well holding conferences and compiling publications. The President reported that it was hoped to introduce a Policing Network and that the Society would like to hear form anybody either interesting in taking that forward or in nominating a potential Chair. A group was meeting at the current conference to discuss the establishment of a Women’s Network.
12. Any other business
There was no other business.
13. Date and venue of the next AGM
University of Northumbria: time and date to be confirmed but within window 4-6 July 2011.