Minutes of the
Annual General Meeting
University of Plymouth
2nd  July 2015


Loraine Gelsthorpe (President), Allan Brimicombe (Company Secretary), Mark Simpson (Chair, Conference Committee), Nic Groombridge (Prizes Committee Chair), Anthea Hucklesby (Chair, Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Network), Charlotte Harris (BSC Executive Director), Rachel Morris (Co-Chair, Postgraduate Committee), Anna Sergi (Co-Chair, Postgraduate Committee), Stephen Parrott, Louise Westmarland, Pat Mungoo, Peter Squires (incoming President), Azrini Wahidin (Chair Professional Affairs and Ethics Committee), Colin Webster, Lauren Belshaw, Susie Atherton, Victoria Silverwood, Gulzat Botoeva, Dario Serrati, Andrew Millie, Tom Cockcroft, Davina Cull, Bingul Durbas, Ori Lgwe, Zoe James, Ann Bevitt, Emma Milne, Edson Luis Baldon, Annie Crowley, Michele Burman, David Brewster, Claire Cohen, Lesley Simmonds, Alexandria Bradley, Andromachi Tsleoni (Treasurer), Rod Earle, Pam Davies.

The meeting was quorate.

Ordinary Business

1.   Apologies for Absence

No formal apologies were received.

2.  Report of the Directors for the year 2014

The Report of the Directors was approved.

3. The President’s Review of 2014/15

LG reported that the BSC is still alive and kicking.  She welcomed the postgraduate bursary holders and expressed hope that they will continue their association with the BSC after the conference. The BSC has been involved in various Government consultations and of course was heavily represented in the REF 2014. The BSC  has introduced an innovation fund to match finance specialist networks and other groups to support events. The BSC has also continued to engage with the Academy of Social Sciences – particularly in relation to ethics, part of these discussions have fed into the new statement of ethics of the BSC which is now on the website- special thanks to Azrini Wahidin for her hard work on this. The BSC has tried to continue research links with Government departments, although this is an ongoing affair. The MOJ/HO withdrew from the 3rd seminar event having gone on to organise their own event in relation to the future of crime/criminal justice- LG emphasised the need to continue to forge these relationships. LG also encouraged the BSC Executive to write to the new Secretary of Justice, Michael Gove., to offer support through the expertise of the wide BSC membership.

Specialist network groups have continued to grow from strength to strength, there are two new networks: the victims/prison networks and a critical criminology network in the making. The membership survey, which was conducted during 2014, indicated that many people were not aware of these networks- the BSC will continue to strengthen people’s awareness of these.

LG thanked the Executive committee and Charlotte in particular for all the great work that she does behind the scenes. She also wished the new President well in his term of office.

4.  Treasurer’s report January 2014 to December 2014

Andromachi Tseloni was interim treasurer but has now taken on the role as treasurer fully. She reported that half of the BSC assets are in ethical investment- Bath Building Society and the Charity Bank. No increases in fees for members are planned, but the Society will keep increasing its income streams through membership growth and the annual conference. Action was required in order to: renew the bond with the Charity Bank which matures on the 8th July- a motion to this effect was passed with no objections.

5. To receive and adopt a Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the period January 2014 to December 2014.

The Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the period January 2014 to December 2014 were received and adopted.

6.  Election of the Members of the Executive Committee- The President and the Treasurer

Peter Squires was announced as the new president following an election. Andromachi Tseloni was announced as the new treasurer.

Allan Brimicombe- thanked Loraine Gelsthorpe for her excellent leadership of the Society and for allowing her arm to be twisted to stay on for an additional year; there will be a formal handover between Loraine and the new President at the conference dinner later in the day.

The roles of Publications Chair and Executive Secretary vacated by Peter Squires will be formally advertised shortly, if anyone would like to consider these posts then they should get in touch with the Society.

Special Business

7. To consider Minutes of the AGM 2014

There were no issues and the Minutes were accepted.

8. Matters arising

No issues were raised

9. Conference Matters

Mark Simpson- expressed thanks on behalf of the BSC conference committee to the Plymouth conference team. He pointed out that the conference committee will take into account the views of members around the conference which came out from the conference survey last year.

Conference 2016- The BSC are hosting the conference at Nottingham Conference Centre next year. 2017/8 – we have received bids for future conferences which will be reviewed in due course.

10. BSC office and administration

Charlotte Harris reported that the Membership Secretary position is currently vacant.  The work is temporarily being fulfilled by Helen Jones.  The substantive role – possibly with a changed title and duties – will be advertised in due course in the bulletin.

11. Regional Groups & Specialist Networks

Andromachi Tseloni,  Chair of the Crime and Justice Statistics Network, – announced that the network annual conference will be on  7th December, this is a free conference at Ministry of Justice offices.

Azrini Wahidin, Midlands Regional Network chair, said that there were now events in virtually all BSC regional group areas with details in the member ebulletin and the website.

Anthea Hucklesby, Chair of the Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Network, said that there would be a business meeting of this network later in the conference.

12. Constitutional changes

Allan Brimicombe asked for approval for a number of constitutional changes including Item 12.1- a change to allow virtual meetings,  and 25.1 a change to allow the new role of Vice President to ease the workload of the role of President.

No issues were raised in relation to these changes.

LG proposed that the meeting accept the changes, the majority voted and the changes were adopted.

13. Any Other Business

Rachel Morris thanked this year’s bursary winners for their applications; it was a strong field and  decisions difficult. Rachel also thanked – on behalf of the postgraduate committee – this year’s bursary sponsors with special thanks to the executive members who sponsored bursaries.

14. Date and Venue of the Next AGM

Thurs 7th July 2016 – Nottingham