We are currently experiencing a problem with our membership application form. If you would like to become a member please email the details below to the Membership & Communications Coordinator, Steven Rawlings, on info@britsoccrim.org and your application will be processed manually. Thank you for your patience. We hope to have the automatic application process working again very soon.
Steven Rawlings
BSC Membership and Communications Coordinator
Application details:
Please enter your full name (inc title) in the following format (Title/First Name/Family Name):
E-mail address:
Alternative e-mail address:
Address for Society correspondence (Please include your postcode):
Membership category (1-7):
Membership Category list
Job title:
Please list three research or professional areas of interest:
Which of the following best describes you:
A: Academic – Persons engaged full or part-time in any institution of higher education as a teacher or researcher who can demonstrate an interest in the study of criminology or a subject which has connections with it (ie sociology of deviance, sociology of law, forensic psychiatry, legal psychology, applied criminal law, etc.).
B: Research and Practice – Persons engaged full or part-time by, or in, any organisation, institution, department or foundation on research, administration or practice within the field of criminology or criminal justice or a subject closely connected to it (including researchers and practitioners in governments, local authorities, police and probation departments, etc.)
C: Postgraduate – Persons who are studying for a higher educational qualification within the field of criminology or a closely related discipline.
D : Any person who can demonstrate an interest in the field of criminology or a related subject who does not fall into categories a, b or c above.
Thank you for your application. Please email the above details to info@britsoccrim.org