BSC Green Criminology Research Network


Angus Nurse

Evidence for the existence of climate change is now irrefutable. The burning of fossil fuels in the past and present has generated unprecedented global temperature increases. The ecological and social consequences of this are already being witnessed, with drought, flooding and storms precipitating crop shortages, patterns of environmental migration and conflict over resources (see IPCC, 2018). At the same time, governments are locked into a global economic system that must, by its very nature, achieve year-on-year growth on a physically finite planet. Engendering a multiplicity of environmental harms and crimes, many of which are unprecedented in scope and scale, the situation is stark and the issues pressing. The need for criminology to cast its attention over these increasing concerns, in a serious and sustained manner, is now greater than ever.

Climate change is, however, just one of many contemporary environmental issues. These have long-since been a focal point for criminologists, but it is only since the mid-1990s that their study has been gathered under the label ‘green criminology’. As a sub-field, its concerns include a wide range of crimes, harms and mechanisms for their control. These include a variety of issues, ranging from wildlife trafficking, animal rights abuses and state-corporate land grabs, through to the victimisation of indigenous peoples, environmental injustices and the consequences wrought by extractives industries. Such a broad remit encompasses anthropocentric, eco-centric and bio-centric positions, from scholarship spanning an assortment of disciplines, including law, sociology, politics and economics, to name a few.

The Green Criminology Research Network offers a means for discussion, critical analysis, and knowledge sharing among diverse and dispersed members of the British Society of Criminology and others.

The Committee

Chair: Angus Nurse

Steering Group: Nigel South (University of Essex); Matthew Hall (University of Surrey); James Heydon (University of Nottingham); Melanie Flynn (Liverpool Hope University).

The Aims of the Network

As such, its aims are as follows:

  • To provide an arena for BSC members and non-members to share information, experience and perspectives on environmental crimes and harms.
  • To advance understandings and stimulate debate on environmental issues across the spheres of research, policy and practice.
  • To promote the inclusion of environmental issues into criminological teaching and learning strategies, curricula and/or benchmarks.
  • To foster opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange among interested parties, including researchers, policy makers, civil society organisations and the public, among others.
  • To share opportunities for research and scholarly development amongst members, including forming networks for bids and studentships.

To achieve these aims, the Green Criminology Research Network will engage in activities that include:

  • Organising and hosting conferences, seminars and symposia; including a panel at the BSC conference
  • Disseminating information via email, scholarly publications, social media and other means;
  • Responding to policy consultations and/or requests for information;
  • Engaging in tendering and funding bids;
  • Collaborating with members of the International Green Criminology Working Group and other networks of relevance.

Members will be asked for expressions of interest and nominations for re-electing officials every three years. There will be an election if there is more than one candidate. Chairs need to have been a BSC member for at least a year.

Forthcoming Events


BSC Green Criminology Network webinars will run bi-monthly on the last Wednesday of the month.  Webinars will run via Teams and will consist of either one speaker presenting for 40 minutes with 20 minutes for questions and discussion or two speakers (one ‘established’, one early career) each presenting for 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.

Webinar Bookings will be available via Eventbrite and will be listed in the BSC members’ bulletin.


Past Events Archive

BSC Green Criminology Network webinars

Wednesday 27th November 2024 – 13:00 – 14:00

War crimes and crimes against humanity: A nonspeciesist understanding of the violence(s) of war and armed conflict.

Dr Stacy Banwell, University of Greenwich

Wednesday 25 September 2024 – 13:00 – 14:00

The Social Construction of Environmental Problems

Dr James Heydon, University of Nottingham

Wednesday 31 July 2024 – 13:00 – 14:00

Environmental crimes and the challenges of war: the Ukrainian perspective.

Dr Anna Markovska, Anglia Ruskin University, Oleksii Serdiuk (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs) and Iryna Soldatenko (IPPPRI researcher and Karazin Kharkiv National University).


BSC Green Criminology Network and BSC Hate Crime Network joint Conference – 13 June 2024

One day conference organised by the BSC Green Criminology and BSC Hate Crime Network

The aim of this conference is to examine the nature, scope, implications of animal abuse as a form of Hate Crime, and the effectiveness of Criminal Justice Reponses.

Event Date: Thursday 13th June 2024 (Hybrid event)

Plenaries and Panels include:

“Wildlife trafficking and cruelty to animals through luxury products”
Dr Jennifer Maher, University of South Wales

Panel 1: “Scope of animal abuse as a form of hate crime”
Chair: Professor Angus Nurse

“Animal cruelty and domestic violence”
Dr Michelle Newberry, University of Southampton

Animal abuse linked to perceptions of non-sentience/speciesism based hate crime?
Dr Rachel Dunn, Leeds Law School

“Targeted abuse of assistance/service dogs”
Mandy Johnson, Guide dogs

Panel 2 “Criminal Justice responses to animal abuse”
Chair: Dr Irene Zempi

Demonisation of ‘dangerous’ dogs in the media
Professor Angus Nurse, Anglia Ruskin University and Dr Sara Rodriguez

“Human-Wildlife conflict and hate” – an exploratory study
Elliot Doornbos, NTU

“The illegal wildlife trade and harm to wild animals. Cognitive dissonance and moral disengagement with respect to exotic skins and luxury fashion consumption”
Dr Arjun Awasthi, University of Southampton.

Joining and staying in touch

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the field of Green Criminology research.

You can follow us on twitter @BSCGreenCrim

Contact the Network

Please contact Angus Nurse –


Green Criminology – Definitions, resources and downloads

Open access special issue of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, focusing on green criminology. A useful introduction for anybody looking to find out more.

Green criminology: shining a critical lens on environmental harm, article by Angus Nurse.