Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2021

Vol. 20 ISSN 1759-0043

Crime and Harm: Challenges of social and global justice?

The Open University

Editor’s Note

The BSC’s 2021 conference was a collaboration with The Open University entitled ‘Crime and Harm: Challenges of social and global justice’ and took place 7-9 July. Inevitably, in 2021 things had to happen a little differently, and it was the BSC’s first conference to take place online.

The papers submitted to this volume went through the journal’s rigorous peer review process and two out of six submissions were accepted. Many thanks to the peer reviewers for their essential work in enabling publication of the journal and for the helpful comments that they provided to help further strengthen the submissions. Thanks is also due to the authors for their prompt revisions and co-operation. The timeline for journal is short and its production is greatly aided by this willingness to meet deadlines.

Lizzie Seal (Chair, BSC Publications Committee)

Published annually and available free online at

© 2021 the authors and the British Society of Criminology

Disclaimer: This publication is made available on the understanding that the publisher, editors and authors will not accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions (express or implied) that it may contain. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the British Society of Criminology.

Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2021
Volume 20, 2021


Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2021
BSC Conference Papers – Whole edition

Editorial 2021
Lizzie Seal

Biophilia and Biophobia: Diverse Experiences of Nature in Prison
Holly Dempsey

Frozen Cities, Frozen Crimes? Crimes changes against mobility changes following lockdowns: case studies of London and Sydney
Yijing Li, Yan Zhang and Yuying Wu