Postgraduate Conference and Research Poster Prize

The BSC annual conference gives postgraduate students the opportunity to present papers in the main conference and also in their own dedicated section of the conference. The BSC Postgraduate Committee organise a Postgraduate Research Poster Prize exhibition which is displayed during the annual conference. 

 The key criteria are:

  • Visual impact and creative use of poster space
  • Content – clear indication of the research question/conclusions from data (depending on the stage of the research)
    Research topic – originality of the research and contribution to the field.
Please contact the BSC PG Chair, Manikandan Soundararajan  ( for more information.

Previous Winners

2023 Winner

The 2023 winning entry was from Anda Solea for her poster on (Main)streaming Misogyny: An Analysis of the Manosphere on TikTok. The award team felt that her poster was well structured and utlised infographics well to present an excellent and interesting case study.

Incels (involuntary celibates), a subgroup of the so-called ‘manosphere,’ have become an increasing security concern for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners following their association with several violent attacks. Once mostly contained on niche men’s forums, incel communities and theories are gaining prominence on mainstream social media platforms. However, whilst previous research considerably enhanced our understanding of the incel phenomenon and their presence on secluded incel forums, incel’s presence on mainstream social media platforms is understudied and their presence on TikTok is yet to be addressed. My research examines the incel subculture on TikTok, through an analysis of incel accounts, videos and their respective comments, to understand the role mainstream social media platforms play in the ‘normiefication’ and normalisation of incel ideology and discourse. The findings suggest that on TikTok the expression of incel ideology takes a covert form, employing emotional appeals and pseudo-science to disseminate common incelosphere tropes. This approach aims to resonate with a broader audience, including those who might be unfamiliar with the intricacies of incel ideology and is conducive to the normalisation of blackpill beliefs and the reinforcement of misogyny, sexism and justification of rape culture.

This poster is based on the ‘Mainstreaming the Blackpill: Understanding the Incel Community on TikTok’ journal article which can be accessed here:

Anda Solea –

LinkedIn: Anda Solea

X: @AndaIulia

2022 Winner 

The 2022 winning entry was from Jana Macfarlane Horn. The award team felt that her poster was interesting aesthetically whilst presenting excellent case studies to highlight the main themes of Corporate crime and accountability. 

Jana Macfarlane Horn

Corporate crime remains on the outskirts of criminology while popularly misconceptions of such crimes as mere scandals and accidents persist. However, evidence of the harmful effects of corporate criminality is indisputable and very relevant in the era of climate change, worker safety, ‘natural’ disasters, and financial insecurity. Most of our information about corporate crimes comes from media sources, be it national news outlets, broadcast TV news or social media, though some of these have been examined previously.  As the ways of accessing information about current events are changing, my study proposes looking at alternative sources of information – documentaries and podcasts. I intend to use critical discourse analysis to examine the way in which podcasts and documentaries frame corporate crime cases, focussing specifically on discourses that mediate power and capitalist ideology. I focus on three prominent corporate crime cases of the 21st century: Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Rana Plaza building collapse and the LIBOR manipulation. This study will offer an innovative perspective of criminological issues being presented as ‘infotainment’ that will bring sources never examined before into the criminological discourse. The presentation sets out the framework of and approach to this research project.

2021 Winner

The 2021 winning entry was from Alison Hutchinson. The award team said they were impressed with how she incorporated the conference themes throughout her poster, which was accessible and aesthetically pleasing.  Please click thumbnail to enlarge.

A Fishy business: Space for species justice in global wildlife economies?AHutchinson BSC 2021

Alison Hutchinson –

With the dependence on fisheries for nutrition and employment increasing globally, marine species are under increasing pressure from over-exploitation. That they remain primarily defined as food and commodities, rather than as wildlife is testament to their position within global governance structures. Drawing from a green criminological, non-speciesist framework, I question how issues of species justice can be elevated within both conservation and trade discussions. To do this, I present three cases on commercially exploited marine species: 1. the minke whale, 2. the queen conch, and 3. the Atlantic bluefin tuna. I discuss how conservation and trade bodies, namely CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), incorporates concerns for marine species and prioritises the preservation of some wildlife over others. By focussing on the value systems that support the variable conservation and commodification of marine species, it is possible to better understand how attitudes surrounding harm and victimhood can act to perpetuate global inequalities and the marginalisation of both non-human animals and people.

2020 Winner

The winner this year is Amrana Latif. Congratulations to her. Please open the full poster to see the detail.


Section of Poster


Amrana Latif – University of Huddersfield

Amrana Latif (opens as pdf) – Intimate Partner Violence: Barriers to help-seeking experienced by women in the UK

poster imageThe winner in 2018 was Nicola Coleman,  a Postgraduate researcher from Middlesex University, who is researching within the field of Youth Crime and Justice.


Poster WinnerThe winner in 2017 was Magda Tomaszewska, a Postgraduate researcher at the University of Surrey, who is researching experiences of female foreign national prisoners.


The winner in 2016 was Sian Lewis, PhD student at Loughborough University who is researching sexual harasment on the London transport network.



2015 – Ildiko Kanjilal from Middlesex University for her poster ‘Is your accent guilty? The influence of foreign born domestic violence victims’ accent and ethnic background on the credibility of their court testimonies’.

2014 – Joanna Payton for her poster on ‘Honour’ Killings.

2013 – Davina Kiran Patel.



 Anda Solea