Papers from the British Criminology Conference
An Online Journal Published by the British Society of Criminology since 1995 ISSN 1759-0043
Submission guidelines (opens as a pdf)
If you presented a paper at this year’s conference the British Society of Criminology would welcome your submission to the next edition of the online journal based on your conference presentation. We welcome contributions from Plenary Papers, Panel Papers and Postgraduate Papers.
All submissions are peer-reviewed.
The final deadline for submissions is two months after the end of the conference (September 9, 2021). The journal will be published in December of the same year. The journal is available free for members. Please submit your paper via email to
The small print:
Only papers presented at this year’s British Society of Criminology annual conference will be accepted for review. Please indicate the category of paper (plenary, panel, or postgraduate paper). Papers must be written in English and will not have been published already, nor will they be under consideration elsewhere. All papers are reviewed anonymously by at least two referees. Each paper should come with a separate cover sheet containing: the title of the paper; word count; author’s full name; affiliation; email address; institutional address; telephone and fax number; an abstract of 100-150 words; up to 5 key words; and a brief biographical note of 25-50 words. The maximum length is 6000 words, including notes and references. Articles must be in Microsoft Word (or compatible format), typed in double spacing throughout, in Ariel 12, and with generous margins on all sides. All pages should be numbered. A maximum of three orders of heading can be used. Essential notes should be kept to a minimum. These should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text, and presented at the end of the text. Lengthy quotations should be kept to a minimum. If over 40 words these should be indented, with shorter quotes kept within the body of the text indicated by quotation marks. The page number for each quote should be indicated. Tables and Figures should be clearly presented and labelled. Sources and explanatory notes should be included as appropriate. Poor quality artwork will be rejected. Papers should be carefully checked for errors before submission. Authors are responsible to the accuracy of quotations and references, and for obtaining permissions and copyright clearances if appropriate. The Harvard-style referencing system is used within the text – for example, (Hughes, 2007) – with an alphabetical “References” list at the end (typed and double-spaced)