Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2010
Vol. 10. 2010
ISSN 1759-0043
Editor’s Note
In 2010 the annual British Society of Criminology Conference was hosted by the University of Leicester, 11-14 July, with the heading “Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Dilemmas and Diversity in Criminology”. During the opening of the conference Professor Pat Carlen was justly awarded the BSC outstanding contribution prize, given to her by her colleague Professor Anne Worrall. This was followed by an interesting mix of plenary sessions provided by Professors Ben Bowling, Reece Walters, Lilie Chouliaraki and Jeff Ferrell. Taking up the main theme of the conference a challenging (and entertaining) presentation was provided at the annual dinner by human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith. Also at the dinner Laurie Taylor provided some amusing reflections on his career. Quality was not restricted to the main speakers with some excellent talks in both the main conference and the increasingly successful postgraduate conference that precedes the main event. Thanks are due to University of Leicester for organising such a well run conference.
Each paper can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link below or, if you prefer, the whole journal can be downloaded as a single document.
Andrew Millie (University of Glasgow)
Papers from the British Criminology Conference, Vol. 10. 2010
whole volume
Discourse, denial and dehumanisation: Former detainees’ 3 experiences of narrating state violence in Northern Ireland
Lisa White, University of Lincoln
‘No surrender to the Taliban!’: Football hooliganism, Islamophobia 19 and the rise of the English Defence League
Jon Garland and James Treadwell, University of Leicester
‘Is my cousin a mass murderer?’ Relatives’ perceptions of a ‘crime 36 of the powerful’
Sarah D. Goode, University of Winchester
Theorizing change in Anglo-American police organizations: On 55 making meaningful change-claims in police scholarship
Chris Giacomantonio, University of Oxford