Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2011 (3-6 July)

Vol. 11 ISSN 1759-0043

Economies and Insecurities of Crime and Justice
Hosted by Northumbria University

Editor’s Note

The British Society of Criminology Conference in 2011 was hosted by Northumbria University from 3rd to 6th July, under the heading “Economies and Insecurities of Crime and Justice”. Thanks are due to Northumbria University for organising the event. In 2012 the conference makes a welcome return to the University of Portsmouth. For 2012 we have already been promised plenaries from David Garland, Katja Franko Aas, Roger Hood and Sharon Shalev. We hope to produce Volume 12 of our online journal “Papers from the British Criminology Conference” for the Portsmouth event, so if you are planning to speak it would be great if you would also consider submitting your paper to this journal.

For the current Volume of the journal we have maintained a rigorous review process and four papers have made the final selection. All submitted papers were reviewed by at least two academics. We are pleased to include a paper from Professor Jill Peay’s plenary address to the conference. We also have contributions from Rod Earle, Angus Nurse and Shaun Elder.

The production of this journal was only possible with the assistance of colleagues who all gave their time freely. Thanks are due to the editorial team of Karen Bullock and Simon Mackenzie. Thanks also to Spencer Chainey, Ben Crewe, Hazel Croall, Rosie Erol, Alex Hirschfield, Christina Pantazis, Peter Squires and Rob White who all proved to be excellent reviewers.

Andrew Millie (Edge Hill University)

Editorial Board
Karen Bullock, University of Surrey Simon Mackenzie, University of Glasgow

Other reviewers
Spencer Chainey, University College London; Ben Crewe, University of Cambridge; Hazel Croall, Glasgow Caledonian University; Rosie Erol, University of Worcester; Alex Hirschfield, University of Huddersfield; Christina Pantazis, University of Bristol; Peter Squires, University of Brighton; Rob White, University of Tasmania

Published annually and available free online at © 2011 the authors and the British Society of Criminology

Disclaimer: This publication is made available on the understanding that the publisher, editors and authors will not accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions (express or implied) that it may contain. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the British Society of Criminology.

Papers from the British Criminology Conference
An Online Journal by the British Society of Criminology

Volume 11, 2011


Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2011
Whole Volume

Front pages

Andrew Millie

Recession, crime and mental health
Jill Peay, London School of Economics

Prison and university: A tale of two institutions?
Rod Earle, the Open University

Policing wildlife: Perspectives on criminality in wildlife crime
Angus Nurse, Birmingham City University

Financial regulation enforcement and the criminal dimension:
Irish perspective, EU context
Shaun Elder, University of Limerick