Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2015

Vol. 15 ISSN 1759-0043

Criminology: Voyages of Critical Discovery
Hosted by Plymouth University

Editor’s Note

In 2015 the British Society of Criminology Conference was hosted by Plymouth University. Held from 30 June-3 July the conference had the title “Criminology: Voyages of Critical Discovery”. Fifteen papers were submitted to this conference journal, with six being accepted for publication. As always the journal has a rigorous peer-review process but (hopefully) a sympathetic approach to authors – especially early career and postgraduate authors – with helpful feedback and advice, even if a paper is rejected. There is a tight timetable in order to publish the same year as the conference and so we are hugely indebted to the reviewers and the authors for turning things around so promptly.  Many interesting papers were rejected purely because tight deadlines did not allow enough polishing time.

Charlotte Harris (British Society of Criminology)

Editorial Board
Dr Charlotte Harris, Executive Director, British Society of Criminology; Professor Peter Squires, President of the British Society of Criminology; Dr Helen Jones, Membership and Communications advisor, British Society of Criminology.

Published annually and available free online at © 2015 the authors and the British Society of Criminology

Disclaimer: This publication is made available on the understanding that the publisher, editors and authors will not accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions (express or implied) that it may contain. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the British Society of Criminology.

Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2015
Volume 15, 2015


Papers from the British Criminology Conference 2015
Whole Volume

Front pages

Charlotte Harris

Time for an encore: exploring the symbiotic links between music, forming meaningful relationships and desistance
Jo Cursley

Reflections on criminal (in)justice in cases of rape
Marianne Hester

Perspectives on organised crime between policy and research: a criminological analysis of the new offences of participation in organised crime activities in England and Wales.
Anna Sergi

An ASBO for violent gangsters or just continuing criminalisation of young people? – Thinking about the value of “Gangbo”
James Treadwell and Kate Gooch

To what extent there is scope for a common EU policy of firearms controls?
Sarah Watson

Criminal Armourers and Illegal Firearm Supply in England and Wales
Helen Williamson