BSC WCCJN Article Prize

BSC WCCJN Journal Article Prize 2024

The winners of the 2024 Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Network paper prize are Lisa Sugiuia and Anda Solea for their paper: ‘Mainstreaming the Blackpill: Understanding the Incel Community on TikTok’ published in European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.

The awarding team stated that this is an absolutely fascinating article about the mainstreaming of the incel culture on TikTok. The authors shine a light on this increasingly concerning subculture. The framework (normiefication and normalisation is utilised to explain the shift from relatively secluded forums to mainstream social media sites. The methodology is innovative, with the authors employing a qualitative multimodal thematic analysis of TikTok videos and narrative. The conclusion, a compelling argument about the generative harms of normiefication and legitimacy, provides a call to arms for the feminist community. This unique contribution to the literature cannot be faulted.

BSC WCCJN Journal Article Prize 2023 – not awarded

BSC WCCJN Journal Article Prize 2022

We are pleased to announce the winning paper for 2022 is: 

Gemma Ahearne for ‘Criminologist or criminal? Liminal spaces as the site for auto/biography‘.


BSC WCCJN Paper Prize 2021 

The winner of the WCCJN Paper Prize 2021 was:

Jennifer Fleetwood, Judith Aldridge & Caroline Chatwin (2020) Gendering research on online illegal drug markets, Addiction Research & Theory, 28:6, 457-466.

(Further details coming soon)

The WCCJN steering committee would like to thank Sage for kindly sponsoring this prize again in 2021.

Further details can be found on our website

WCCJN Prize 2020

The winner of the WCCJN Paper Prize 2020 was Dr Alexandra Fanghanel:

Fanghanel, A. (2020). Asking for it: BDSM sexual practice and the trouble of consent. Sexualities, 23(3), 269–286.

A (blended and edited, to avoid repetition) synopsis of the reviewers’ comments are:

This is a really interesting article on a significantly under-researched area, which ably synthesises a range of literature in providing the broader context for the investigation. Fanghanel evaluates the concepts of consent, trust and risk – and the critical grey area in between – in relation to BDSM practices through her case study of 40 kinkers. Drawing on interviews conducted with a diverse sample of participants, the paper does a really good job of adding complexity to an otherwise well-established body of work on ‘consent’. Her findings, written with a detailed level of analysis and commentary, reveal the tensions between negotiating ‘consent violators’ and nurturing an important sense of community ethic. Ultimately, Fanghanel asks us to consider the concept of consent using a more nuanced lens. It is a really well written piece of work.