Executive Committee

The British Society of Criminology is governed by the decisions of the Executive Committee. If you are a BSC member and are interested in joining the Executive Committee you can read more about the different Executive Committee roles here.

Who’s Who

Professor Pamela Davies
Email: pamela.davies@northumbria.ac.uk
Northumbria University

Pamela Davies

BSC Appointments

Gender, crime and victimisation. This includes victims of crime and social harm and safety, vulnerability, resilience and survival strategies. Recent research projects have focussed on support for families of child sexual abuse, sexual assault in the British Army, interpersonal violence needs assessment and – connected to green crime and victimisation – tensions between environmental and social justice.

Professor Sandra Walklate
University of Liverpool




BSC Appointments
Immediate Past President

Sandra is currently engaged in researching policy responses to intimate partner violence with colleagues in the U.K. connected with the N8PRP and colleagues in Australia as part of the Monash University Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre.

Dr Charlotte Barlow
Email: CBarlow8@uclan.ac.uk
University of Central Lancashire

BSC Appointments
Vice President

Charlotte’s areas of research expertise include domestic and sexual violence, policing and more broadly gender-based violence. She has particular research experience in the policing of and other agency responses to domestic abuse, women’s experiences of criminalisation and co-offending, coercive control and  Clare’s Law/ domestic violence disclosure schemes.

Dr Rachel Vipond
Email: rachel.vipond@york.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/RachCM2
University of York


BSC Appointments
Company Secretary

Rachel is a senior lecturer in criminal justice and social policy in the School for Business and Society at the University of York. Her research focuses on youth justice practice particularly in relation to risk assessment as well as prisons and broader penal policy. Rachel has been involved with the British Society of Criminology for over ten years having held previous positions of postgraduate committee chair, Executive Secretary and chair of the prizes committee. 

Professor James Treadwell
Twitter: twitter.com/James_Treadwell
Staffordshire University

BSC Appointment

James is Professor in Criminology at Staffordshire University. He previously worked as a criminologist at Birmingham City University, the University of Birmingham and the Department of Criminology, University of Leicester (2008-2012). James’ previous research is largely ethnographic, and after completing his PhD he has been involved in a range of research projects centring on themes of violent and professional crime and imprisonment. His books include Criminology (2006) and the revised and expanded Criminology: The Essentials (2013) as well as Football Hooliganism, Fan behaviour and Crime: Contemporary Issues (2014) and Riots and Political Protest (2015).

Dr Grace Gallacher
Email: G.Gallacher@tees.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/grace_gallacher | twitter.com/BSCPG1

BSC Appointment

Executive Secretary

Grace is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology at Teesside University. Her research is centred around the harms which can result from the commodification of children’s leisure using a Deviant Leisure approach. More broadly, she is interested in critical criminology, harms, consumerism, childhood and identity. She has a particular interest in the wellbeing of postgraduates and providing support to others.

Dr Susan Watson 
Email: susan.watson@york.ac.uk
X (Twitter): @suwatson
University of York

BSC Appointment:
Chair, Prizes Committee

Dr Susan Watson is Lecturer in Criminal Justice and Social Policy in the School for Business and Society at the University of York. Her research is currently focussed on technology facilitated gendered violence, with a particular interest how this behaviour affects women working across public facing organisations including politics, academia, policing and journalism. Before embarking upon an academic career, Susan worked in political campaigning, research, and policy development, including time on the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee.

Dr Vicky Heap
Email: V.Heap@shu.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/DrVickyHeap
Sheffield Hallam University

photo V Heap

BSC Appointment
Chair, Conferences Committee

Vicky has researched various aspects of anti-social behaviour including: public perceptions, victims’ experiences and government policy. Her teaching work focuses on research methods, where she has an interest in mixed methods research methodology. She is the author of Administrating Victimization: The Politics of Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime Policy (Palgrave, 2014), (with Marian Duggan) and Mixed Methods in Criminology (Routledge, 2019), (with Jaime Waters). She is a trustee of the national victims’ charity ASB Help and a member of the Editorial Board for Safer Communities.

Dr Jo Smith

Email: J.Smith12@brighton.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/BlueHairedJo
University of Brighton

image of Jo Smith

BSC Appointment
Chair, Public Relations Committee

I now teach at the University of Brighton. My research focuses on the feminist women’s experiences of online misogyny and abuse. My research interests include hate crime, violence against women, feminist criminology, victimology, and women’s participation in the criminal justice system. I am a qualified solicitor with extensive experience in criminal legal practice.

Dr Marian Duggan
Email: M.C.Duggan@kent.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/Marian_Duggan
University of Kent

image of Marian Duggan

BSC Appointment:
Chair, Publications

Marian’s research interests centre on sexual, gendered and hate-based victimisation, with a particular focus on how crime reduction policies and practices function at a grass-roots level for individuals and support services. She is the editor of Revisiting the ‘Ideal Victim’: Developments in Critical Victimology (Bristol University Press, 2018) and the author of Administrating Victimization: The Politics of Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime Policy (Palgrave, 2014) (with Vicky Heap) and Queering Conflict: Examining Lesbian and Gay Experiences of Homophobia in Northern Ireland (Ashgate, 2012). She is also a trustee for the Rising Sun Domestic Violence and Abuse charity and member of the editorial board for Feminists@Law.


Professor Andrew Millie
Email: andrew.millie@open.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.comAndrewMillie
Open University

BSC Appointment
Chair, Regional Groups and Specialist Networks Committee

Andrew Millie’s work is interdisciplinary drawing on criminology, philosophy and theology. He is also known for work on policing. Andrew is Editor of the Bristol University Press series New Horizons in Criminology and he is on the Research Advisory Group for the Howard League for Penal Reform. Andrew’s books include Criminology and Public Theology (Bristol University Press, 2020), Philosophical Criminology (Policy Press, 2016), Securing Respect (Policy Press, 2009) and Anti-Social Behaviour (Open University Press, 2009).

Prof Andromachi Tseloni
Email: andromachi.tseloni@ntu.ac.uk
Nottingham Trent University

BSC Appointment
Chair of the Crime and Justice Statistics Network

Professor Tseloni is Professor of Quantitative Criminology with expertise in victimisation theory, applied social statistics and econometrics. Her work revolves around five broad themes: criminal victimisation inequalities, the crime drop, crime perceptions’ social capital and cross-national comparisons.

Dr Tammy Ayres
Email: tca2@leicester.ac.uk
University of Leicester

BSC Appointment
Chair of the Critical Criminology Network

Tammy Ayres is an Associate Professor of Criminology at the University of Leicester. She is an interdisciplinary scholar working in the area of drugs, prisons and terrorism, which is reflected in her research as well as her publications. Writing on drug policy, drug use and the intersection of drugs, pleasure and consumer capitalism she uses critical theory and continental philosophy in an attempt to proffer new ways of theorising drugs in contemporary society.  With over 20-years experience of undertaking criminal justice research in the UK and more recently in Guyana, she has been contracted to undertake research for HMPPS, the Ministry of Justice, the NHS, the Home Office and the Police Crime Commissioner. Her interdisciplinarity is represented in her publications, grants and research projects, which have helped to shape policy/professional practice locally and nationally. 

Dr Amy Meenaghan
Email: amy.meenaghan@port.ac.uk
University of Portsmouth

BSC Appointment

Chair of the BSC  Early Career Researchers Network

Amy Meenaghan is a principal lecturer at the University of Portsmouth. Her research interests include decision-making and expertise in offending behaviour, particularly in relation to residential burglary. Also the use of XR technology in criminal justice education, training and research.

Prof Angus Nurse
Email: angus.nurse@aru.ac.uk
Anglia Ruskin University




BSC Appointment

Chair of the BSC Green Criminology Research Network

Angus researches and teaches in critical criminal justice and redress for social harms, with specific interests in animal law, corporate environmental responsibility, environmental law and human rights.

Dr Rachel Keighley (she/they)
Email: rachel.keighley@leicester.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-keighley/
Twitter/X: https://x.com/rachel_keighley
University of Leicester





BSC Appointment
Chair, BSC Hate Crime Network

Dr Rachel Keighley is a Research Associate at the University of Leicester. Rachel is currently working on The Rural Racism Project. Her work focuses on LGBTQ+ online hate, identity, modern slavery and sexual exploitation, and responding to hate through policy and activism. Her latest book, Researching Hate as An Activist is available to read here.

Dr Esmorie Miller
Email: e.j.miller@lancaster.ac.uk
Lecturer in Criminology, Lancaster University

image of Esmorie Miller

BSC Appointment
Chair, Historical Criminology Network

Dr Miller’s research explores the intersection of gender, race, and racialization in contemporary youth justice. Her working thesis that the remarkable modes of marginalization discerned with gender and race in youth justice goes beyond crime and punishment is part of an aim to expand customary narratives, beyond criminal justice. The aim is to reorient focus to include the historic role of cross institutional exclusion, in the lives of racialized youth (i.e., from education to the CJS). See Esmore’s ORCID profile.

Associate Professor Greta Squire
Email: Greta.Squire@uwe.ac.uk
University of the West of England


SC Appointment
Chair, Learning and Teaching Network

Critical criminology with a particular focus on violence against women and girls, feminist perspectives in criminology, victims and victimology, hate crime, violence and society, research methods and criminological theory. The States response to tackling violence, whether that’s through using new legislation such as that used to tackle hate crime, or how the voluntary sector works to provide support to survivors of gender-based violence. 

Sarah Plimley
Email: slp2@staff.staffs.ac.uk
Staffordshire University


BSC Appointment
Chair, Prison Research Network

My primary interests include desistance, community resettlement, and the dynamics of relationships in resettlement contexts. I am particularly interested in the role of relationships and social capital building in fostering successful reintegration and the impact of penal voluntary sector organisations in this process. Additionally, my recent research has focused on diverse topics such as gambling-related harms, resettlement and desistance in community settings, and business crime. 

Dr James Tangen
Email: james.tangen@nottingham.ac.uk
University of Nottingham

BSC Appointment

Chair, Probation & Community Justice Network

James is Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham. His research interests include the probation as a profession in England & Wales, public policies and practice of community justice and the use of digital technologies in criminal justice practice.

Manikandan Soundararajan 
Email: manikandanpgchair@gmail.com



BSC Appointment

Chair: Postgraduate Committee

Manikandan is a Research Associate at the Institute for Community Research and Development at the University of Wolverhampton and a PhD researcher at the University of Staffordshire. His research explores the lived experiences of undocumented migrants in the West Midlands region and the experiences of law enforcement officers policing them. His research adopts a social harm approach to examine lived experience of undocumented migrants. More broadly, he is interested in migration issues, organised crime, victimology, and social harm. 

Dr Monish Bhatia
Email: monish.bhatia@york.ac.uk
Twitter: @MonishPBhatia
Department of Sociology, University of York

BSC Appointment:
Chair: Race Matters Network

Dr Monish Bhatia is a lecturer in criminology at Birkbeck, University of London. He has published widely in journals and books, and his article “The Permission to Be Cruel: Street Level Bureaucrats and Harms against People Seeking Asylum” (Critical Criminology 2020) won the Hate Crime Network Award (part of the British Criminology Society). Monish is the co-editor of several books and journal special issues including Stealing Time: Migration, Temporalities and State Violence (Palgrave 2021); Media, Crime and Racism (Palgrave, 2018); Migration, Vulnerability and Violence (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 2020); Borders, Racisms and Violence (Critical Criminology, 2020); Race, Mental Health and State Violence (Race & Class January 2021) and special issue on “Migration and Racist State Violence” (State Crime, 2022)

Dr Hannah Bows
Twitter: @Hannah_Bows
Director of Equality and Diversity (Durham Law School)

H Bows

BSC Appointment:
Chair: Victims Network

Hannah’s research examines crimes against, and by, older adults. Most of her work to date has focused on interpersonal violence (domestic and sexual abuse) of older women. She is currently examining criminal justice outcomes and decision making in criminal cases involving older adults in a ‘report to court’ analysis of a large sample of cases.

Professor Harriet Pierpoint
Email: harriet.pierpoint@southwales.ac.uk
Associate Professor of Criminology at University of South Wales


BSC Appointment:
Co-chair: Vulnerability Research Network

Dr Harriet Pierpoint is an Associate Professor of Criminology at University of South Wales. She is interested in vulnerability and fairness in the criminal justice system and has published in internationally recognised, peer reviewed journals in this field, as well as contributing to practitioner publications and the broader media. She is particularly interested in facilitating the voices of users in the design and evaluation of projects. Harriet is an experienced project manager of large-scale research projects for government departments and the third sector.  She was selected as a participant on the Welsh Crucible 2017 and is a member of the South Wales Police Independent Ethics Committee.

Dr Gemma Birkett
Email: gemma.birkett.1@city.ac.uk
Twitter: twitter.com/gembirkett
City, University of London

BSC Appointment:
Chair, Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Network

Women’s experience of the justice system, summary justice (in particular problem-solving techniques for women offenders), developments in digital justice/digital exclusion and the impact on women, penal policymaking and Ministry of Justice governance. 

Professor Barry Goldson
Email: B.Goldson@liverpool.ac.uk
The University of Liverpool


BSC Appointment
Chair, Youth Criminology/Youth Justice Network.

Youth criminology and youth justice; International/comparative youth justice; Childhood, youth and social policy; Critical policy analysis; Critical criminology; Poverty and inequality; Punishment, penality and prisons; ‘Secure’ institutions; The sociology of childhood and youth (including constructionist and social-structural theorisation, children’s human rights, youth identities, youth cultures, youth and community, youth and social order/disorder, youth inclusion and exclusion).