We are pleased to display the posters that have been selected from those submitted to us in 2020. The posters were judged by a panel of BSC Executive Members. SAGE are sponsoring the prize which is £75 of SAGE books plus a certificate to the winner.

The decision is made and the winner is Amrana Latif. Congratulations to her. Please open the full poster to see the detail.


Section of Poster
Amrana Latif – University of Huddersfield Amrana.Latif@hud.ac.uk

Amrana Latif (opens as pdf) – Intimate Partner Violence: Barriers to help-seeking experienced by women in the UK


Mardones Poster Preview
Daniela Mardones Bravo @danielamarbrav daniela.mardones-bravo@ed.ac.uk

Daniela Mardones (opens as pdf) – THE ELDERLY PRISON POPULATION IN CHILE


Thomson Poster Preview
Craig Thomson 2392189@dundee.ac.uk University of Dundee

Craig Thomson (opens as pdf)  – UNHEARD VOICES WITHIN THE POLICE


Poster preview
Alaina Weir Weira@edgehill.ac.uk Edge Hill University



Alaina Weir (opens as pdf)  – An Exploration of the Influences and Impacts of Consumerism on Young Females? Identity: Critical Criminology within the Cultural Boundaries of Social Media.


poster image
Ayten- Natasha Kinloch University of Surrey a.kinloch@surrey.ac.uk

Ayten-Natasha Kinloch (opens as a jpg) – Why can’t I play in their garden? Segregation, inequality, victimization and stigmatization. Is building of mixed tenure communities justified in terms of their spatial layouts, provision of situational crime prevention and social outcomes?

L Bryant poster image
Lucy Bryant, Institute of Alcohol Studies, with Dr Carly Lightowlers. lbryant@ias.org.uk

Lucy Bryant (Opens as a pdf), The Socioeconomic Distribution of Alcohol-Related Violence. The full report can be accessed here