Postgraduate Bursaries Scheme 

The BSC offers a number of bursaries to attend the annual conference each year.  We would like to thank SAGE and BSC members who have made donations to the scheme and allowed us to offer more bursaries.

Each bursary will cover the full residential conference fee for one postgraduate student. There is one application process for all bursaries.


Eligibility for 2024

You can apply for a postgraduate bursary if you meet ALL of the following criteria:

You are presenting a paper at the BSC Conference 2024

You are a registered PhD student (full-time or part-time)

You are a member of the British Society of Criminology (BSC)

Full guidance details and an application form can be downloaded here.

Applications and enquiries to the BSC PG chair, Grace Gallacher (


The PG bursary scheme is now closed for 2024.

The BSC Bursary Scheme is sponsored by SAGE publishing.