Submission Guidelines


To acknowledge the valuable contribution to scholarship and celebrate excellence and innovation in the study of hate crime by members of the British Society of Criminology.

Eligibility Criteria


must be members of the BSC;
must have published the paper between 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2021 (either electronic or hard copy – whichever publication came first);
may nominate themselves, though they may also be nominated by others with the applicant’s permission. All nominators must be a member of the BSC;
can only submit papers which have direct relevance to the field of hate crime.
How to Apply

All nominations should be submitted to Jon Garland (, co-ordinator of the article prize for the BSC Hate Crime Network. Nominations should include a 250-word supporting statement explaining how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria and a PDF of the journal article. Applications are closed for 2023.

Further Information

The article will be judged by a panel of reviewers and the prize – £100 worth of Palgrave books – will be awarded at the BSC Conference. We look forward to receiving your submissions.